Earth Week 2023: Ben Gilbank Presents to Upper Canada College Students

In support of Upper Canada College’s celebration of Earth Week, today AltCrest Energy’s Founder & CEO Ben Gilbank presented to morning assembly of over 800 students and faculty about the importance of decarbonizing the built environment and its critical contribution to achieving our national net-zero objectives. The discussion focused on the high carbon-intensity of buildings primarily driven from space heating, hot water, and any carbon-intensive grid electricity.

On-site geothermal and solar PV systems were identified as prime mover technologies for the energy transition in real estate, along with building integrated photovoltaics, and wastewater energy transfer systems. It was encouraging to see the next generation so engaged in this topic, which lives at the intersection of environmental impact and commerce.  

AltCrest Energy is a renewable energy developer supporting the real estate industry’s transition to net-zero. AltCrest develops geothermal, rooftop solar PV, and other systems under an Energy-as-a-Service (“EaaS”) framework, whereby we invest in the on-site renewable energy infrastructure, in exchange for an energy contract with the owner-developer. Please feel free to reach out if you would like to discuss.